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Group Presentation - Assessment 2

Your group will design and deliver a presentation on how two or more ICT tools could be successfully and creatively implemented in a SEPEP unit for a sport and year level of choice. You can use ideas from one of your group member's Assessment 1 planning document or create a new SEPEP lesson from scratch.

Use this page on a group member's website (anyones) to prepare for the presentation so there is information, instructions and help for your peers to follow or refer to. Some groups prefer to create a new Wix site just for the presentations


Whilst you are presenting as a group, we are looking for all members to actively present some ICT content. Presenting two ICT tools should give you enough opportunity. Can you integrate the two pieces of ICT as they could be used in a classroom situation? For example the Coach may use Coach's Eye for the tournament in week 6 and then they produce a skills poster using Canva with the KTP's they think need consolidating. Therefore in your 40min presentation you would present and get your peers to use both Coach's Eye and Canva illustrating how it is used and how they are linked.

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